We pride ourselves on our open and honest pricing - our locksmith services are charged on an hourly rate. However, if you are looking to get a quote for changing multiple locks, then we are happy to provide you with a free quote.
Locksmiths |
£80.00 per hour |
£100.00 per hour |
Multiple lock changing |
Free Quotation |
Free Quotation |
Points to note:
- All prices exclude VAT
- Hourly rate charges are billed in 15 minute intervals with a minimum charge of one hour
- All prices exclude congestion & parking charges (unless a parking permit for the duration of the visit is provided)
- All prices exclude costs for materials which will be charged at list price + 30%
About our pricing model
We use a clear and transparent pricing model.
We provide quality work. As such, we cannot and do not compete with
small unregistered companies or individuals. If you are looking for a cheap locksmith in London and your criteria for purchase is
only price - we are not the company you are looking for.
All our work is guaranteed by us and we use only high quality materials.
When diagnosing faults for repair we can't tell you how long the job will take until we've
visited you at your property, but we can provide a model for pricing that
we will honour.
This ensures, unlike other locksmiths and burglar alarm companies in London, that
we will not give disparate pricing, depending on how much we think you
will pay. Everyone pays the same rate.
What to look for when selecting a locksmith
If you are looking for your lock changing project to be of
high quality, safe, efficient and cost effective - then you might want
to take these points into consideration when selecting the company providing you with your locksmith.
- Does the company have examples of their work?
- Do they have a professional looking website?
- Is the company looking to be paid in cash?
- Is the company VAT registered? If not why?
- Remember: A company only needs to turnover £70,000 to be legally required to register for VAT
- If they are not VAT registered they are either inexperienced or they are operating illegally
- Will the company provide a fully specified, broken down quotation?
- Will the company provide a contract and levels of service they will commit to?
- Do they have a landline telephone number that they can be contacted on or just a mobile number?
- Does anyone answer the telephone?
While there are many good locksmith companies in
London, there are also some disreputable ones. It is prudent to ask
these questions before committing or handing over any money.